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Our e-commerce platform offers easy shopping benefits

first time in india bargaining in online shopping, Seamless transactions and secure payment processing.

Our Rental Service offers Cost-effective solution

To eliminate the burden of high ownership costs, we offer short-term rentals for various products like electronics, fashion items, and more.

Recognizing the importance of prompt delivery service urgent needs

We prefer prompt delivery for time-sensitive requirements. Our efficient logistics system enables us to fulfill orders promptly, giving our customers peace of mind and happiness during emergencies.

We are technology & innovation for make that revolutionizes the way people access products and services


with a mission to transform the local retail and rental market by offering a comprehensive online platform for customers and retailers. We strive to provide the best user experience and high-quality customer support while keeping our pricing competitive and fair. Our vision is to become the go-to destination for customers looking to buy or rent anything from local retailers across India


Shopping with Bargaining

We offer a seamless and secure online shopping experience, making it easy for users to purchase their desired items with just a few clicks.


Urgent Delivery

We are proud of our reliable and Ensuring efficient distribution network that our customers receive their order immediately.


Hire on Rent

Whether it's bridal jewellery for marriage or a stunning outfit for a special occasion, our rental service caters to a wide range of needs.


using at town of India


Happy Customers


Happy Sellers


Years of Experience

We Offer Different Services To Improve Modern Lifestyle.


OrderOnClick is a one-stop destination for all customer needs, offering a diverse range of products available for purchase, short-term rental, or urgent delivery.

We prioritize convenience and efficiency in everything we do. Our user-friendly platform ensures a hassle-free shopping experience.

At ORDER ON CLICK we are committed to providing our customers with affordable prices without compromising on quality.

Comprehensive Online Platform

Comprehensive Online Platform Our user-friendly website and mobile app provide a comprehensive online shopping experience, allowing customers to bargain and purchase a wide range of products from the comfort of their homes or offices, saving valuable time and physical effort.

Our uniqueness is we Provide Services in one Platform with Strengths Like:

  • High-quality customer support.
  • Ready to fill ncreasing demand for e-commerce and rental platforms in India.
  • Potential for rapid growth & Expansion to new cities in India.

we Offering special deals and promotions to attract new users and incentive them to make their first purchase.

we Implement a Promo Code that Discount existing users for creating new customers to the platform.

हम आधुनिक जीवनशैली को बेहतर बनाने के लिए विभिन्न सेवाएँ प्रदान करते हैं।


ऑर्डरऑनक्लिक सभी ग्राहकों की जरूरतों के लिए वन-स्टॉप डेस्टिनेशन है, जो खरीद, अल्पकालिक किराये या तत्काल डिलीवरी के लिए उपलब्ध उत्पादों की विविध श्रृंखला पेश करता है।

हम अपने हर काम में सुविधा और दक्षता को प्राथमिकता देते हैं। हमारा उपयोगकर्ता-अनुकूल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म परेशानी मुक्त खरीदारी अनुभव सुनिश्चित करता है।

ऑर्डर ऑन क्लिक पर हम गुणवत्ता से समझौता किए बिना अपने ग्राहकों को किफायती मूल्य प्रदान करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं।


Shop with Bargaining

first time Indian consumers use online shopping with bargaining option.(पहली बार भारतीय उपभोक्ता मोल-भाव के विकल्प के साथ ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग का उपयोग कर रहे हैं)


Discount on Promo Code

on this site consumer getting discount up to 11% to 75% using promo code.(इस साइट पर उपभोक्ता को प्रोमो कोड का उपयोग करके 11% से 75% तक की छूट मिल रही है।)


Gift on Best Selling

It is amazing for the consumer to get a free gift on the best selling option.(सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाले विकल्प पर मुफ्त उपहार मिलना उपभोक्ता के लिए आश्चर्यजनक है।)


On 11:11 AM in Just Rs.1/-

Everyday in morning exactly 11:11 buy only in Rupees 1/- at Flash Sell option.(प्रतिदिन सुबह ठीक 11:11 बजे फ्लैश सेल विकल्प पर केवल 1/- रुपये में खरीदारी करें)



Retailers can order in wholesale for business.(खुदरा विक्रेता व्यवसाय के लिए थोक में ऑर्डर कर सकते हैं।)


Return & Cash back

Easy Return & Cash back facility for safe online shopping.(सुरक्षित ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग के लिए आसान रिटर्न और कैशबैक सुविधा।)